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Miracle Powders

Special vegetables, which attract attention in their fresh form, are now with you all day long in their powder form.

Miracle Powders

Butternut squash powder is a protein-rich and delicious food source. It provides a practical use in many recipes from smoothies to recipes. It is rich in vitamins A, C and E and contains minerals necessary for a healthy body.

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Kale Powder

Kale powder is produced by preserving the high mineral and vitamin content of fresh kale leaves. Thanks to the slow dehydration process, it preserves all nutritional values. It has a rich content that supports heart health, immune system and general health.


Butternut Powder

You can now carry fresh and nutritious vegetables everywhere with you in powder form. Our Royal Powder vegetable powders are obtained from naturally grown vegetables and preserve all their nutritious ingredients. You can add it to your smoothies, mix it with water or add it to your favourite recipes.

200 gr. butternut kabak günlük A vitamini ihtiyacının tümünü ve C vitamini ihtiyacının yarısını karşılar. İçerdiği E vitamini ile Alzheimer ve serbest radikallere karşı vücudun savunma mekanizmasını güçlendirir. B1, B3, B6, B9 (Folik asit), kalsiyum, bakır, magnezyum, manganez, demir, potasyum, çinko ve fosfor açısından zengindir.


Bağışıklık, gözler ve hücre sağlığı için önemli A vitaminini bolca içerir. Ayrıca içeriğinde Beta-carotene, Beta-cryptoxanthin ve Alpha-carotene bulunur.

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