How We Do It?

Our production starts with healthy soil. We grow our products in the natural environment by feeding them with air, sun and rain. Every season, we analyse the soil of the land where we will plant, and provide suitable conditions. We plan each stage meticulously by working in harmony with the soil.

In seed selection, which is one of the most important stages of production, we prefer genetically preserved, certified seeds. In this way, we are able to offer the same taste, aroma and quality to your tables every time.

We carry out a sensitive care process for the healthy growth of our seedlings. Since the plants are susceptible to diseases at this stage, our expert team monitors the seedling process day and night.

We prioritise quality before yield. Our plants from the nursery to the field are kindly cared for so that we can offer healthy and nutritious products. We support this process with scientific analyses and apply the most appropriate agricultural recipes.

In seed selection, which is one of the most important stages of production, we prefer genetically preserved, certified seeds. In this way, we are able to offer the same taste, aroma and quality to your tables every time.

We carry out a sensitive care process for the healthy growth of our seedlings. Since the plants are susceptible to diseases at this stage, our expert team monitors the seedling process day and night.